Sharon Kobe


Sharon was born and raised in Victoria. After spending time in various branches of the provincial government, Sharon commenced work in 1983 at her first law firm.  Although she briefly stepped out of law for a foray into property management and bookkeeping, she returned to what she enjoyed best, and now has approximately 35 years of experience working as a legal assistant.

Sharon particularly enjoys working in the areas of Estate Administration, Corporate Law and Commercial Transactions.  She has been dubbed the “due diligence queen” when it comes to acquiring assets or shares on behalf of a client.  Sharon admits that she is an “odd duck” in that she also has a passion for debt collection.

Sharon is easily recognizable as “the woman on a mission” as she makes her brisk, 2.5 mile walk along Gorge Road and through town to get to work.  On weekends, she can be found walking one person’s dog or another’s over the Westsong Walkway.  After walking approximately 30 miles per week, Sharon feels justified in soaking up the sun with a Coors Light in her hand and a cooler full of them beside her.

Sharon Kobe Infinity Law Victoria BC Legal Assistant Profile Photo

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Mark Norton
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Ali Dadkhah
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C. Louis (Lou) Webster
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Andrew Rafuse
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James (Jim) Clapp
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David Pope Infinity Law Lawyer in Victoria BC more members photo
David Pope
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Charlotte A. Salomon, K.C
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Dustin Marnell, CEA
Leo Yuan - Infinity Law - immigration lawyer near me
Xiaopeng (Leo) Yuan
Rajan Basi - Infinity Law - Lawyers Victoria BC
Rajan Basi
Joe Braun
Maureen Mansi - Infinity Law - Lawyers Victoria BC
Maureen Mansi
Heather Boggs - Infinity Law - Lawyers Victoria BC
Heather Boggs
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Tara Daley - Infinity Law - Lawyers Victoria BC
Tara Daley
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Stephanie Pesth - Infinity Law - Lawyers Victoria BC
Stephanie Pesth
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Paulette Nguyen
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Lesley Green
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Suni Lo - Infinity Law - Lawyers Victoria BC
Suni Lo
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Teresa Bodenchuk
Vida Ghasemi - Infinity Law - Lawyers Victoria BC
Vida Ghasemi
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Sue Dakers
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Christie Aitken
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Ruth MacDonald
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Tammy Leclerc
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Sarah Fortin
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